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Expando FR

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Expando FR has an expandable sleeve constructed offlame retardantpolyester (PET) that is designed for applications up to 125C (257F).

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Expando® FR is an expandable sleeve constructed of flame-retardant polyester (PET) that is designed for applications up to 125ºC (257ºF). It is a UL Recognized Component and meets VW-1 and F.A.R. Part 25 flammability requirements. Expando® FR balances the properties of mechanical and thermal stability with economy.

Expando® FR protective oversleeves has many applications in the electronics, marine, and general manufacturing industries. The ability of these sleeves to retain flexibility at low temperatures makes them ideal for exposed applications in weather stations, navigation beacons, radar antennas, and airborne and space systems.

Expando® products are tough, lightweight oversleeves used to protect cable assemblies, hoses and wire harnesses from chafing, cutting and abrading. The open-braid construction of Expando products enables each size to expand to fit several application shapes and diameters. This open-textile construction also makes them highly flexible and resistant to trapping water, heat, and humidity.

Product Highlights

• Operating temperature from -70ºC to 125ºC (-94ºF to 257ºF)
• VW-1
• F.A.R. Part 25
• UL Recognized Component
• RoHS Compliant
• Does not trap heat or humidity
• Rot-free
• Expandable design accommodates a variety of sizes

Product Specifications

Longitudinal shrinkage should be taken into account when utilizing expansion properties of the sleeve


Recommended Application Range mm (in)

Maximum Weight

Standard Packaging

Part Number

Min Ø

Max Ø

g/m (lb/ft)

m (ft)

Expando FR 3-0/9

3 (1/8”)

7.5 (5/16”)

3.44 (0.0023)

610 (2,000’)

Expando FR 6-0/9

4 (1/6”)

13 (1/2”)

5.89 (0.0040)

305 (1,000’)

Expando FR 10-0/9

6 (1/4”)

14 (9/16”)

11.70 (0.0079)

152 (500’)

Expando FR 13-0/9

10 (3/8”)

25 (1”)

12.60 (0.0085)

152 (500’)

Expando FR 19-0/9

16 (5/8”)

37 (1-7/16”)

19.64 (0.0132)

152 (500’)

Expando FR 32-0/9

19 (3/4”)

45 (1-3/4”)

26.19 (0.0176)

76 (250’)

Expando FR 45-0/9

23 (15/16”)

58 (2-5/16”)

44.20 (0.0297)

76 (250’)


FMC-EXPFRzzz-003-32 Expando FR 3-0/9 5021000332S 5970013075103
FMC-EXPFRzzz-006-32 Expando FR 6-0/9 5021000632S




FMC-EXPFRzzz-010-32 Expando FR 10-0/9 5021001032S  
FMC-EXPFRzzz-013-32 Expando FR 13-0/9 5021001332S



FMC-EXPFRzzz-019-32 Expando FR 19-0/9 5021001932S 5970013496367
FMC-EXPFRzzz-032-32 Expando FR 32-0/9 5021003232S



FMC-EXPFRzzz-045-32 Expando FR 45-0/9 5021004532S 5970012144600
FMC-EXPFRzzz-051-32 Expando FR 51-0/9 5021005132S 5970012144601
FMC-EXPFRzzz-064-32 Expando FR 64-0/9 5021006432S  


FMC-EXPFRzzz-003-23 Expando FR 3-9/0 5021000323S 5970015357486
FMC-EXPFRzzz-006-23 Expando FR 6-9/0 5021000623S



FMC-EXPFRzzz-010-23 Expando FR 10-9/0 5021001023S  
FMC-EXPFRzzz-013-23 Expando FR 13-9/0 5021001323S 5970011113681
FMC-EXPFRzzz-019-23 Expando FR 19-9/0 5021001923S



FMC-EXPFRzzz-032-23 Expando FR 32-9/0 5021003223S



FMC-EXPFRzzz-045-23 Expando FR 45-9/0 5021004523S  
FMC-EXPFRzzz-051-23 Expando FR 51-9/0 5021005123S  



Short Product Description:
Expando FR has an expandable sleeve constructed offlame retardantpolyester (PET) that is designed for applications up to 125C (257F).
Datasheet Link:
