phone: (866)956-8323

Titan Electronics Supplier Quality Clauses

Revision and Approval



Nature of Changes

Approved By



Original issue.

Kathryn Wigginton



Update to Include Clause 14.0

Kathryn Wigginton


 Update to clause 3.0 and 5.0, Addition of Clause 15.0 

Kathryn Wigginton 


 Update to clause 4.0 and Hyperlinks 

Kathryn Wigginton 



1.0 Our customer (if this PO is, at any tier, under a Government contract) may, at any time inspect Seller's and Seller's suppliers' facilities which will or may be used in the performance of this PO and, at any time and place before, during or after manufacture or completion, may inspect and test all material and workmanship entering into the performance of this PO. No such inspection or test in any way relieve Seller of its obligations to furnish all required articles, materials, and services in strict accordance with the requirements of this PO.


2.0 All materials with limited calendar life must be delivered with a minimum of 85% calendar life remaining and the expiration date must be clearly noted either on the packing list or a label affixed to the product. The Seller must identify any material with less than 85% calendar life remaining to the Buyer prior to shipment for Buyer approval.


3.0 Certification of conformance to all specifications called out in this purchase order and/or any attached “Approved Products List” is required.  Supplier shall submit a certificate of conformance signed by a responsible representative that represents materials, processes and final products are those specified by the buyer and conform to applicable specifications.


4.0 Titan Electronics requires our supplier to flow down to sub-tier suppliers the applicable requirements in the purchasing documents, including key characteristics where required. Titan Electronics requires our supplier to maintain on file all documentation identified by contracts for a minimum of thirty (30) years from the date of final payment. Documentation may be dispositioned through physical destruction, secure deletion, or another appropriate method. The contractor must apply this requirement to lower-tier suppliers if the inspection or test records are not forwarded to the contractor. These records shall be available for release upon request by Titan Electronics or its customers.


5.0 Titan Electronics requires our supplier to notify us of any nonconforming product and arrange for approval of supplier nonconforming material. Only new and authentic materials are to be used in products delivered to Buyer. No counterfeit or suspect counterfeit parts are to be contained within the delivered product. Documentation must be available that authenticates traceability to the applicable OCM/OEM.

a. Suppliers are required to notify Titan Electronics in writing if they become aware of suspect or confirmed counterfeit products that have been released into the supply stream.

b. Calibration Labs must be certified to the latest edition of ISO 17025, ANSI/NCSL Z540.1 or ISO 10012.

c. All suppliers to Titan Electronics shall establish and maintain a Counterfeit Parts Prevention Program to ensure Counterfeit goods are not delivered to Titan Electronics.  Suppliers shall ensure this program includes training of all applicable personnel.

d. Non OEM suppliers shall only purchase products that shall be delivered to Titan Electronics directly from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), OEM authorized distributor chain, aftermarket manufacturer, or authorized reseller.  All products shall include traceability back to the OEM.

e. Suppliers eligible for utilization of the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (""GIDEP"") shall utilize the GIDEP process to alert the industry of encountered counterfeit parts.



6.0 Titan Electronics supplier is required to maintain a documented FOD program, which assures that work is accomplished in a manner preventing foreign objects or materials from entering and remaining in deliverable items. Any non-conformances arising as a result of FOD issues will be fully investigated for potential impact.


7.0 All material must meet the requirements of DFAR 252.225-7009; regarding Specialty Metal. DFAR regulations can be accessed at the following Website: DFAR Specialty Metal


8.0 Any changes in product and/or process definitions require Titan Electronics approval in writing.

Titan Electronics requires all products supplied on this purchase order to be in compliance with and, as such, Seller warrants that no product supplied on this order contains any “conflict minerals” as stipulated in Dodd-Frank Bill that are mined in Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries.


9.0 All material must be in compliance with the European Union regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). As a supplier, you are required to notify Titan Electronics, in writing, within 2 business days of acceptance of this purchase order if any items(s) on said purchase order are not REACH compliant. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added a candidate list of all chemicals that are considered SVHCs on their website.


10.0 All material must be in compliance with the European Union regulation for the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). As a supplier, you are required to notify Titan Electronics, in writing, within 2 business days of acceptance of this purchase order if any items(s) on said purchase order are not RoHS compliant. The RoHS restricted substances and limits are as follows: a) Lead (Pb): < 1000 ppm b) Mercury (Hg): < 100 ppm c) Cadmium (Cd): < 100 ppm d) Hexavalent Chromium: (Cr VI) < 1000 ppm e) Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB): < 1000 ppm f) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE): < 1000 ppm


11.0 Supplier is required to notify Titan Electronics, in writing, within 2 business days of acceptance of this purchase order if any item(s) and/or related drawing/specifications on said purchase order are regulated and controlled by ITAR.


12.0 Supplier acknowledges it shall apply suitable corrective action when presented with Titan complaints or nonconformance reports.

13.0 Supplier shall comply with the Aerospace Industries Association of America (AIA) Global Principles of Ethics in the Aerospace & Defense Industry, available for review here: Ethics

14.0 Supplier shall ensure all persons are aware of their contribution to product or service conformity, their contribution to product safety, and the importance of ethical behavior.

15.0 Supplier shall maintain a quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO9001, unless otherwise stated.  Any major changes to the system must be reported to Titan Electronics.