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Heat Shrink Size Chart & Measurement Guide

8th Dec 2023

Measuring your cabling to determine the right size heat shrink tubing to use is easy but it’s a step you don’t want to skip. Taking your best guess or eyeballing this type of measurement often leads to tubing that is too loose after heating which defeats the purpose you are trying to achieve. In …

What Is RoHS Compliant Wire Protector Sleeve?

24th Aug 2023

The global wires and cables market is projected to grow to $294.73 billion by 2029, despite the drawbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Wires and cables are used in a wide variety of different end-use products, and understanding the need for RoHS compliance in applicable industries is crucial. …

Wrap for Headers: The Best Products Out There

20th Jun 2023

There are a lot of options for header wrap on the market today from every thermal insulation manufacturer you can think of, but they aren’t all equal in terms of quality or performance, and they aren’t all the right solution for every application. So how do you know which header wrap to choose? T …