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Combating Pest Damage in the Food & Beverage Industry: Rodent Proof Wire Protectors That Actually Work

22nd Feb 2024

The food and beverage industry faces a variety of challenges, not least of which is the long-fought and ongoing war against rodents. These pests are not only a health hazard but also pose a significant threat to the critical infrastructure that keeps food and beverage processing plants in operation. A rat gnawing through the cabling that runs the electrical to your conveyors or mixing tanks could halt operations until you are able to find the wire that was damaged and bring in someone to repair it, costing thousands of dollars every hour your facility is down.

Realistically, even with the highest degree of pest control, rodents will find their way into food processing plants. So the question for operations managers is, how can you best protect your vital wiring and cabling systems from these unwelcome guests.

Common Questions on Rodent Proof Wire Protection

As we dig into the specifics of rodent proof wire protection, several questions frequently arise, highlighting common concerns and misconceptions about the capabilities of these pests and the materials often used to try to thwart them.

  1. Can mice chew through metal?

    Yes, believe it or not, mice can in fact chew through some metals. Sheet metal and aluminum are generally thin enough and soft enough for mice to nibble their way through.

  2. Can rats chew through steel?

    Steel wool is often touted as a rodent-proof material but that’s only true for medium-high grade steel wool. Lower- or fine-grade steel wool won’t stop a determined rat.

  3. Does rodent resistant insulation exist?

    Unfortunately, no. Rodents love to use insulation as a nesting material and will tear it apart if they are able to gain access to it.

Rodents can fit through tiny openings and have incredibly sharp teeth and strong jaws making most obvious strategies one might think of to protect wiring in food and beverage facilities fall short of effective.

So, what can you do to protect your operations from costly rodent damage?

Introducing Techflex's Rodent-Resistant Sleeving: A Proven Solution

In response to the food and beverage industry's need for a reliable deterrent against rodent damage, Techflex has developed its Rodent-Resistant Sleeving. This product is not just a step but a leap forward in safeguarding wires and hoses from rodent damage.

Techflex's braided sleeving solution is engineered to address the direct needs of the food and beverage industry. Unlike alternative protection methods that rodents may eventually overcome, this sleeving is designed with both durability and practicality in mind.

Why Techflex Stands Out

Material Innovation: Made from Polyethylene Terephthalate, Techflex’s heavy duty rodent resistant braided sleeving offers a barrier that in manufacturer testing, rodents completely avoided even when stuffed with food.

Flexibility and Durability: The sleeving combines the strength needed to resist rodent attacks with the flexibility required for easy installation around complex wiring and hose systems, providing a practical solution that does not compromise on protection.

At Titan Electronics, we’re focused on providing our customers in the food and beverage industry with the latest cable management and wire protection product innovations for their applications. For more information on how Techflex's Rodent-Resistant Sleeving can benefit your food and beverage operations and for complete product specifications, visit our Flexo Rodent Resistant Sleeving product page.